After School Anime Club
In the 1990s, North American TV audiences were getting their first taste of a strange, exciting, new kind of cartoon - produced half a world away, and localized by small teams on shoestring budgets, at the behest of networks desperate to capitalize on a trend they could no longer ignore: Anime. Join three anime fans on a trip back to the time before cell phones, high-speed internet, and streaming TV. We'll play games, watch unique and way out-there shows, and do our best to recreate the feeling of waiting for the bell to ring so you can run from your last class to the next meeting of... The After School Anime Club.

Vinland Saga - The Hottie Maiden

1 year ago

Episode Notes

This week's Anime Menu: Vinland Saga - Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2

Chapter list
5:59 Game: Memento Armory
27:34 Summary
29:37 Discussion

Intro music: Don't Blink, by Andrew Stanton (licensed through
Outro music: Vinland Saga Ending 01 - Torches by Aimer
Incidental music used this episode: Vinland Saga Season 1 OST, Tide, Opening 1 - MUKANJYO by Survive, Said The Prophet

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